Freshdesk lets you collect feedback and support requests directly from your website, portal or any third party web page. This lets your customers submit a ticket to your helpdesk without having to look around for your self-service portal or remember your support email.
To set up your feedback widget, you need to configure it in Freshdesk and put up the code snippet on your website. To make it available across several pages, you can set up a pop-up widget that will appear as a small tab on the side of your screen and will open up a form when clicked. You could also set up an embeddable widget, which will put a form directly on one of your pages (for example, the Contact Us page).
Either way, the widget will automatically display the ticket form with all the ticket fields you have configured inside Freshdesk. Follow these instructions if you want the widget to appear on a Wordpress site.
You can choose to allow users to attach screenshots, take screenshots or search through your knowledge base through the feedback widget. You can also pre-populate the ticket form with requester information.
Note: If you can't see the Feedback Widget in your admin settings, you can make use of Widgets and the Feedback form. The Feedback widget is being phased out in batches due to the availability of the better and more functional help widget.
A quick guide to customizing and adding a feedback widget:
Log into your support portal as an administrator
Click on Admin > Channels > Feedback Form
You can place the ticket form inside your web page as a pop-up widget (accessible through a button available across all pages in your website) or as an embedded widget (the ticket form will be placed on the page), or both
Pop-up Widget Button Customization
You can customize the widget button in the case of a pop-up widget. The button could display text or an image.
If you choose to have text in the button, you can specify the display text under Label and pick a color for the button that suits your website from the Background option.
If you choose to have an image in the button, you need to specify the URL of the image under Image URL.
You can also choose the position of the widget button. The drop-down lets you choose where on the page the button should appear. The offset box lets you choose how far away from the corner the button should appear.
Every customization you make here will be reflected in the prototype widget button. You can make changes accordingly.

Form Customization
You can customize the ticket form in both pop-up and embedded widgets. If you choose pop-up widget, the ticket form opens when you click the button.
Give a title for your ticket form under Form Heading.
Form submit message will be shown to the ticket requester after they submit a ticket through the form. You could include a message telling your requesters when they can expect a solution to their problem.
You can specify the height of the ticket form in pixels based on the number of ticket fields you have in the form.
Under Form Options, you can add more capabilities to your ticket form like:Letting users take a screenshot of the screen which is open (not available in embedded widget)Letting users attach files to their ticketAllowing them to search your knowledge base directly from the ticket formUsing the widget in SSL encrypted pages. In this case, enable the Use Https toggle before copying the codePreventing spam by enabling CAPTCHA in the formMaking the form visible on mobile phones
Letting users take a screenshot of the screen which is open (not available in embedded widget)
Letting users attach files to their ticket
Allowing them to search your knowledge base directly from the ticket form
Using the widget in SSL encrypted pages. In this case, enable the Use Https toggle before copying the code
Preventing spam by enabling CAPTCHA in the form
Making the form visible on mobile phones

Widget code
The widget code would have changed to reflect the customization update. You can copy it and paste it in the page where you want the widget to appear.
In case of a pop-up widget, paste the code within <title> and </title> tags of the page. If you are putting it on your website, make sure that you paste the code on every page.
You can use the Mobile view toggle to enable the widget on your mobile-optimized page.
If you are using the embedded widget, paste the embedded widget code at the exact place in the page where you want the form to show up.
If you are using the widget in SSL encrypted pages, enable the Use HTTPS toggle and then copy the code.
If you make any customization changes after you put the codes in place, make sure that you copy paste the new code again.