When customers are talking about your products and services on social media, it is important for you to proactively support them right there. Taking your support social can transform your helpdesk from a reactive firefighting role into a proactive one.
You can add a single Twitter account to your Freshdesk account if you're on the Sprout plan and unlimited Twitter accounts from Blossom onwards. After you add your Twitter account, you can see all tweets to your account in your Social tab. You can also convert the tweets into Freshdesk tickets automatically and they can be seen in your Tickets tab along with tickets from other channels.
Quick guide to adding your Twitter account
Login to your support portal as an Admin.
Go to Admin > Channels > Twitter > Add Twitter account.
You will be redirected to Twitter, where you'll need to login to your account and authorize the Freshdesk app.
You will be redirected again to the Edit account page in Freshdesk.

You can control which of your agent groups can see the @mentions of this account in your Social tab.
All your Direct Messages will be converted to tickets automatically and you can choose to convert @mentions with certain keywords to tickets. If you support multiple products, you can link these tickets to a particular product using the dropdown.
Ticket rules
You can create rules to convert @mentions of this account containing certain keywords to tickets automatically. You can add multiple rules, and the tweets will be converted to tickets based on the first matching rule.

In the first rule, enter the keyword that an @mention has to contain to be converted to a ticket. The tickets would be created only based on the keywords specified as part of the rules.
You can add multiple keywords in one rule by clicking enter. Learn how you can use the keyword box for best results.
You can assign these tickets to a particular group of agents using the drop down.
Click on the Add new ticket rules to add more rules.
You can assign tickets to different groups in each rule. For example, you can assign tickets containing 'not fit' to the returns group and 'discount' to the sales group in your support using two rules.
The order of rules is important as the first condition that the tweet satisfies will be executed.
If you want to convert all your @mentions to tickets automatically, enter your Twitter account handle as the keyword.
Please note that if you have Dispatch'r rules set up that affect the tickets created by these ticket rules, the Dispatch'r rule will be executed. For example, say your ticket rules state that all tweets with 'payment' should be converted to tickets and assigned to the finance group. And you have a Dispatch'r rule that assigns every ticket generated through Twitter to the social group. Now every time a ticket mentioning 'payment' comes in, it will be assigned to the social group. So you may have to revamp the Dispatch'r rule you've set up for Twitter tickets.
Direct Messages ticket settings
All your Direct Messages (DMs) are converted to tickets in your helpdesk automatically. They will not appear in the streams under the Social tab.

Threading interval is the time limit up to when a DM conversation between your account and another account will be considered as a single ticket. Use the drop down to pick a time limit.
The Assign to group drop down assigns all the DM tickets to a particular agent group.
Once you save the settings, you will be able to see your tweets from the past few days under the Social tab. If your ticket rules apply to these older tweets, they will be converted to tickets and any follow up on that tweet by you will be added as notes in the ticket.
All your @mentions can be seen in the Social tab. You can reply to them, convert them to tickets and more. Learn more about all the options available in the Social tab.

If you want to monitor general tweets about your business or competitors that do not @mention your account, you can create a custom social stream - more on that here.