Admins can setup translations for ticket fields based on the various languages configured in Freshdesk. These translations will reflect for:
Customers on: (customers will see the translated content based on their preferred language choice or browser language)
Customer portal
Help widget
Agents on: (agents will see the translated content based on their language preference under Profile Settings)
Ticket details page (Ticket properties)
Ticket list page (Card view)
New ticket page
New email page
A quick guide to managing translations for ticket fields:
Login to your Freshdesk account as an Administrator
Go to Admin > Account > Helpdesk Settings and click on the 'Manage Languages' button

You’ll find the list of languages associated with your Freshdesk under 'Supported languages'
Click on the Manage translations button for any language to update the corresponding translations

In the slider, you will have an option to download the respective .yml file
Using a text editor (example: Sublime) to open the .yml file

You can enter translations for the respective custom ticket field within the inverted quotes (‘ ’) on the .yml file and upload it for that language.

Once this is done, your agents and customers will be able to see their ticket pages in the corresponding mapped language. These translations will be reflected in the help widget, customer portal, ticket details page, ticket list page, new ticket page, and new email page.