Posted by Nishi on 22 November 2022
Zoho Mail provides easy-to-use diagnostic tools to troubleshoot some services. There are options to check the domain and registry details. You can run some basic DNS configuration checks for a specific domain, analyze message headers, make use of encoding/ decoding functions, perform reverse lookups and check if certain port numbers are open for specific hosts.
In the Domain details section of the Toolkit, you can see all the records that have been configured for your domain name.
A brief explanation of each of the records has been given below:
MX Records or Mail Exchanger Records define the server to which a respective domain's emails need to be routed. The MX Records for each domain have to be added as suggested by the server in which their email is hosted. A domain can have multiple MX Records each with varying levels of priority. For example, if you use Zoho Mail, you will be adding the 3 MX Records suggested by Zoho Mail, and if emails cannot be delivered to the record with the lowest priority, the record with the next priority is tried and so on.
TXT Records contain any text information that might be required for external sources. It can be used for a number of purposes. Zoho Mail uses TXT Records in multiple instances such as configuring SPF, DKIM, DMARC or to verify domain ownership.
CNAME or Canonical Name is a DNS record that is used to map an alias name to the canonical domain name. Zoho Mail uses the CNAME method for domain ownership verification and in the process of customizing the login URLs.
An A Record or Address Record maps a specific domain to the physical IP address of the computer on which the domain is hosted. The A Record maps the IPv4 of the respective computer.
Like the A Record, the AAAA Record also maps the IP address associated with a domain name, but AAAA Records map the IPv6 IP address (Version 6) of the computer that is hosting the domain.
The NS Record or Name server record is used to delegate your domains or subdomain to a different name server. If you want the DNS for a domain to be resolved by a different name server, that can be mentioned here.
SOA or Start of Authority Record holds administrative information about zone transfers for any particular domain.
In case you want to view all the records that have been added for a domain in one view, Dig the records and go to the All tab. This will display all the DNS records that are associated with a particular domain.
You can find details regarding who has registered the domain and the provider from which a specific domain was purchased.
All the registration details for this domain will be displayed.
Registered to refers to the organization or the individual who has bought the domain. The Registered by parameter refers to the DNS provider with whom the domain has been registered. You can also find details about the date when the domain was registered, the date it expires and the Last modified time which refers to the last time any change was made to the domain's WHOIS information.
In the Run Checks section, you can view if the important configurations for every domain, such as the MX, SPF, DKIM etc. have been configured.
If you have the header of an email, you can view the related details in separate sections for easy understanding. Email headers usually contain a lot of information about the email. This analyzer parses the email content and presents it in an easy-to-read format. Follow the instructions on this help page to view the email headers for an email that you have in your Zoho Mail account.
If you have the IP address of a computer and want to find out the domain name that is associated with this IP address, you can use the Reverse Lookup option.
In case you want to check whether a specific port is open for a particular host, you can make use of the Port Check option.
If you would like to encode URLs or text before sending it out to someone, or if you would like to decode encoded text or URLs, you can make use of the Encode/ Decode section.
There are 4 options available:
To use any of these options, follow the instructions below:
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