Getting Started with Zoho Mail

Posted by Nishi on 3 February 2025

Zoho Mail is a collaborative business communication platform for the modern workforce. It is a blend of classic email and modern collaborative tools such as comments, likes, and sharing. The new Zoho Mail Suite comprises the following applications which are essential for every business:

Email - Email, the backbone of every organization, facilitates a professional means of communication both inside and outside your organization.

Calendar - Time management, events, and meeting organizer. 

Contacts - Contacts and Address book management, Group Address, Organization contacts. 

Tasks - Effectively manage work for you and your team, Group Tasks, and Subtasks. 

Notes - A single place to note down your ideas/  thoughts or scribbles, add images and/or attachments.  

Streams - Innovative collaboration within teams, built around email designed with provisions to like/ comment and more open interactions. 

Bookmarks - Access all your important reference pages from within your mailbox.

Compose and send a new email

  1. Login to Zoho Mail
  2. Click on the New Mail button in the left pane of your Mailbox. The Zoho Mail Composer will open.
  3. Enter the required details like To, CC, Subject, and email content.
  4. You can use the rich formatting options present in the Composer to format your email content.
  5. Once your mail is drafted, click the Send button in the top left corner of your Composer.

The email will be sent to the recipient. You can find this email in your Sent folder. Learn More.


You can enable Outbox delay so that the email lands in the Outbox folder for the specified duration before being sent to the recipient.

Insert Signature

You can add custom signatures to the emails that you send. Zoho Mail allows you to have multiple signatures that can be linked to your email alias/ address.

  1. Login to Zoho Mail
  2. Click the Settings  icon.
  3. Go to Signatures and click on the + icon to create a new Signature.
  4. Enter the details of the Signature with the preferred formatting and Click Save. You can also insert images like logos.

Click here for detailed instructions about using Signatures.

Viewing emails

All the emails you receive will be listed in your Zoho Mail inbox. Unread emails are listed in Bold. You can click on the received email in the listing to open the new email. 

You can choose how you view your email listing using the Mail View Options:

  • Email listing View - You can view the email listing in Classic View or Compact View. Learn More.
  • Open message in - On clicking on any email, you can choose to open the email in a preview, as a new tab, or a new window. Learn More.
  • Show message with - You can choose if you want the email listing to display only the Subject of the email or both the Subject and Summary. Learn More.
  • Conversation View - It groups emails into conversation threads. You can unthread the emails by turning the Conversation View OFF. Learn More.

Responding to Emails

Once you open an email you have received, you can choose exactly how you want to respond to the email. You can ReplyReply All, or ForwardLearn More.

Manage your Inbox

You can easily manage your emails by organizing them according to your preference and convenience. You can manually move the email(s) in your Inbox to the corresponding custom folder. Click on the plus icon next to the Folders listing to create a custom folder with the name of your choice. 

Move emails into Folders

  1. Select the relevant email(s) from your inbox using the checkbox next to the email in the listing.
  2. Click on the Move to icon at the top of the listing.
  3. Choose the corresponding folder from the drop-down. You can also create a new folder to move the email(s) to by entering the name and clicking on Create.

The selected email(s) will be moved to the chosen folder. 


You can configure Filters for your inbox to avoid manually moving the emails from your inbox. You can also use filters to perform other activities on incoming emails like applying tags, forwarding to, marking as read etc.

  1. Login to Zoho Mail
  2. Click the Settings  icon.
  3. Go to Filters and click on the New Filter option.
  4. The Create Filter dialog box pops up on screen. Enter the required details like Name, conditions, criteria, action etc and Save the filter.

Emails that match the criteria mentioned in the filter will automatically be moved to the mentioned folder. Visit the Filter page for detailed instructions.


You can apply tags of different colors and names to your emails to categorize them. Click on the plus icon next to the Tags listing to create a custom tag with the name and color of your choice. Learn More.

  1. Select the relevant email(s) from your inbox using the checkbox next to the email in the listing.
  2. Click on the Tag as icon at the top of the listing.
  3. Choose the corresponding tag from the drop-down. You can also create a new tag to apply to the email(s) to by entering the name and clicking on Create.

Along with tags, you can also flag important emails for easier access. Hover on the relevant email in the listing and click on the Flag icon to flag the email. All the flagged emails will be listed under the Flagged view in the left pane. 

Searching Emails

Zoho Mail search allows you to search for entities across all the applications like Notes, Tasks, Emails etc using any parameter you require. Using Quick Access, you can easily locate any section of the Settings that you need to find.

You can search for emails using different criteria like From, To/CC, In folder, Tag, Contains, Subject, Attachment Name etc. You can search with a combination of these criteria to narrow down the search results.

Search history in Zoho Mail search lets you choose from previously used search parameter combinations, making it easy to repeat any search. The Search includes multiple application specific filter parameters that can be used to shorten your Search. You can view a list of these parameters here.

Refer this page for detailed instructions about the new Zoho Mail Search.

Integrations and extensions

Integrations and extensions in Zoho Mail allow you to access and perform actions in Zoho Applications and other third-party applications without having to leave your mailbox.

In addition to the in-house applications available as extensions, you can also enable and install other third-party applications from Zoho Marketplace. Learn more.

Zoho Mail mobile application is available on Android and iOS.

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