Posted by Nishi on 7 February 2025
Zoho Mail provides easy to use options which can be customized to an individual's preference. The webmail interface provides flexible options to read, organize, forward or reply to emails. The Preview pane offers multiple actions to move the email to folders or add a label or quickly set up a filter etc. You can flag an email or add the email as a task or the note.
By default, the emails are received in the Inbox folder. You can create and use Filters to automatically move them to different folders. The received emails are listed in the order in which they're received. The recent emails are listed on the top, and you can scroll down to view the older emails. The Email Listing has an unlimited scroll, which helps you to scroll down to view and access older emails, without worrying about pagination.
Some of the default settings are listed below. You can change these preferences from the Appearance Settings.
The emails are grouped as Conversations, in the listing. Hence in a particular conversation, you can expand the tree to view the other emails in the conversation, even if they are from the other folders. You can choose your preferences for Conversation views to turn off this view or maintain conversation only within folders.
Zoho Mail provides a feature, wherein the follow-up link inside the email is provided in the email listing. The Quick Actions feature provides the follow-up link in the email listing, which will directly let you go about performing the follow-up action. To know more about Quick Actions, follow this help page.
When you click on an email, the email gets opened in the Preview/ Tab or New Window, based on your Appearance Settings. To override the default option for a single email, you can right click on the email from the listing and choose your preferred mode of reading. Apart from that, the right click menu has the options to directly reply or forward an email.
List emails from this sender - This option lists all emails sent by that particular person from this folder.
List emails with this subject - All emails that have the same subject as the one you've selected from that particular folder will be listed.
When you receive an event invitation by email, or an email with an ics attachment, the details of the event will be available in the email itself. You can directly accept/ decline the invitation while viewing the email.
If you accept the invitation, it will directly get added to your Zoho Calendar events, and will also get added to the devices that you've synced your Zoho mailbox with.
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