Posted by Nishi on 7 February 2025
Several browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera etc. support desktop notifications from websites and web applications. In case the browser you use supports the notification, you need to configure the browser to allow notifications from the current page/ application you use. Once you configure and enable, you will receive new email notifications, even if the browser is minimized or not active.
When you configure the feature, you will have to add '' to the allowed entities to display desktop notifications. Refer your browser's help documentation for more information on allowing notifications for specific websites.
In case you haven't allowed Zoho Mail notifications from your browser settings, the message, Desktop Notification are blocked for this site will be displayed in the Settings.
You can also enable audio notifications for your emails by choosing the notification tone of your choice from settings. The audio notification is sounded when you are not on the Zoho Mail tab for indication of a new email.
You need to refresh the browser for the settings changes to get effective.
Notifications are instant alerts for Streams activities. When someone @mentions you or your group, comments on your status, replies to your comments or sends private comments, you get notifications about the Streams activity. You also get notifications when there are any items shared with you or your groups. The items shared can be folders, emails or notes. It can also be a task which gets assigned to you or an event which you have been invited to.
You can also be invited as a Guest to view particular posts in other groups which you are not part of. You can also be @mentioned in individual posts by other users, for certain individual discussions or tasks.
You get notified in the following instances.
The notification pane lets you respond to the alert instantly. You can view the notification, and further comment or like the post or the comment from the notification pane itself. You can instantly grab a users attention to a particular topic, and/ or respond in a more casual, yet impressive manner.
You can do all this, without losing the context of what you were already doing. You can also dismiss all notifications from the Notifications pane by clicking Clear All
You can click on the Notifications pop-out to view the entire set of notifications and the related activities in the Notification Center. Notification Center offers a single view of all the notifications in hierarchical order.
In the notification center, you can infer about the notification from the icon and notification text itself. Further, you can select any notification item, to view the complete post or email related to the notification.
In some cases, if the original comment or post is removed, you will get an alert that the comment or the post no longer exists. It means that the person who posted it has either deleted the comment or the post. If it is a shared entity, the person has removed the permissions or the corresponding invitations.
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